Saturday, January 30, 2010

Memories in Pink

hey y'all,

i don't typically jump on band wagons of any sorts, but if i don't, i won't have much to post about this weekend.

my foot has been giving me the devil this week. my plantar fasciitis has been acting up (from an old football injury ... heh heh) and if any of you have had this lovely condition, you know how painful it can be. it's all but incapacitated me for several days now.

so as much as i'd love to go out junking (yes, even in this freezing, icky weather this weekend), i'm stuck at home, icing and heating my offending foot.

i guess this is the price i pay for over-junking. wait. is that really possible?! hard to believe one can over-junk. but ax my hubby and he'll have a different opinion.

anyways, back to the band wagon. i've noticed that a lot of my blogging buddies participate in a pink saturday, where you post some of your favorite pink things around the house. well! i'm all for pink! and since i have a plethora of pink pretties, i'm perfectly qualified to participate in this pleasant pasttime.(alliterative, much?) :-)

my apologies to the originator of pink saturday. if i knew who you were, i'd link to you. but you know who you are (prolly not even a reader of this blog) and that's all that counts, right?

after walking (okay, limping) around my house, taking pics of all things pink, i realized that there is no way in heck i could share it all in one post. so yes, virginia, there will be more pink posts to peruse. each item is special to me (or i wouldn't have it displayed in my home) and holds special memories for one reason or another. so i'm calling this post my memories in pink. hope y'all enjoy.

sweet old watering can from sue's cc booth. i think she said it's from belgium. love it

pink lovelies on my end table

love this lamp and lampshade. bought it while with The Girls

gorgeous crocheted doily. i keep it on the back of my loveseat. it's huge. and oh so yummy

one of many rose cups that i collect. show me a pink rose and i can't resist.

this beautiful lil set belongs to my daughter. she inherited it from her paternal grandmother. i get to enjoy it until she has a place of her own.

bought this piece a few years ago from sue's booth. one of my favorites of her creations. pink, paris-themed ... can it get any better?

pretties sitting pretty on my vintage secretary

i remember finding this eiffel tower ... already pink! the sweet lil girl clock came from f'burg trade days last year. she's adorable.

found this vintage rocker (already painted white and upholstered pink) at the antique store on the square in burnet, tx. bonnie spotted it first and pointed me to it. the pillow was a gift from jannetta. perfect!!

my lil bottle collection. the shelf is a sue creation.

sweet kit-kat clock i found at an estate sale. her eyes tick-tock, but not her clock. still. she's adorable.

the gorgeous box was a gift from bonnie. love it! i put an old picture of a woman and a rose in it, just for kicks. love these colors.

and here's miss vogue again. you've seen her recently if you visit my blog regularly. got her while shopping with The Girls in round rock/austin a couple of weekends ago. she's also on my right sidebar. i love the look of this lady!

some candlesticks and a vintage hat (from sue's booth)

a sweet pink rose sits among my vintage dinnerware

to die for black sugar bowl with pink rose! from a vintagesue treasure box! yummy!!

a cup from my mama's homer laughlin virginia rose set.

a sweet sassy pink ornie hanging on the eiffel tower ... where else?

a bouquet of pink roses ... background, a vintage tissue holder with pink roses painted on it.

pm/ps: (post-mortem/post-script) ... i got my lazy arse in gear, googled pink saturday and found the lady who is responsible for this nonsense. apparently you have to sign up to participate and there's a deadline (i screwed the pooch). though it's probably breaching all manner of bloggity blog etiquette, maybe i'll just host my own pink blog party and call it, er, terry lee's pinka-palooza. or pink pink, you stink! maybe think pink, y'all! okay. i'll work on that while i'm icing my foot.

love and hugs,
terry lee


Dana said...

Terrylee's pink palooza cheers on a dreary day! I thought I had a lot of pink--now I want/need more pink! I love your blog-funny and inspiring and educational too-off to look up "alliterative" and "plantar whatchacallit".
Hope your foot gets better-one CANNOT overjunk.

Jan W said...

Love all of your pink things, Terry Lee, especially that pink shelf!
I have had problems with plantar fasciitis with one of my feet. Very painful, but I was one of the lucky ones who's didn't last very long. The worst part lasted a couple of weeks but I did walk with a slight limp for almost a year. The limp was at it's worst for a couple of months and then decreased. Turns out, I have overly high arches. It's weird that it only affected one foot. Hope yours gets better soon. By the way, usually once my day got to going and I walked on it, the better it felt.

Tara said...

Oh all those pretty pinkies...I do see them every day, but they look so beautiful in your artistic my favorite color... :-) knew that though...I am but a petal from your beautiful bouquet of pink! :-D

Crash said...

I like the pink kitty kitty clock. Cute story (to me). I have a favorite pink t-shirt. Very distressed by now, but just like the feel of it. The other night, after a shower, I put it on and Ray Ray was watching (2 1/2 now).

After I slipped it on he said, "You wearin' Mommy's shirt?"

Library Lady said...

Love the Pinkies! The crochet piece is my personal fave! Love it. Did your hubby tell you I called you over the weekend? I hope you're taking care of yourself and your little pink footsie!

Love ya,
Bib Sis