Tuesday, September 29, 2009

25 years + love + junking = good times

hey y'all,

well, we moved on from birthday celebrations to wedding anniversary celebrations here in my neck of the woods.

my dear friend (and fellow FAG) jannetta and her hubby richard celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on sunday. congrats again, mr. and mrs. kattner!

i was honored and pleased to share in this celebration by helping with table decorations and being one of the photogs for the event. i think the bride and groom had a wonderful time with family and friends for this very special occasion.

now, on saturday, i did squeak in some junking. first stop, an estate sale here in killeen. found some v. sweet vintage linens and a precious pink kit cat klock from the 50s. woohoo! it's electric, so i plugged her in and sure enough, she worked! sold!

icing on the cake: the lady marked her down by half because one eye was wonky. i can fix that easily and was thrilled to take her home with me!

second stop was the garage sale at the bob gilmore senior citizens center. not much shakin' there, but i did spend all of 60 cents for some pretty hangers and a sweet vintage tablecloth.

october's almost here! can't wait for pumpkins and cooler weather and leaves changing colors ... not that it ever gets too cool or colorful here in central texas. but a girl can dream, no?

love and hugs,
terry lee

the happy couple

the gorgeous and delicious anniversary cake

the loving couple feed each other a piece of cake

uh, well, make that SHOVE a piece to each other!

the tables ... with the picture on a stick craft i made for the vases

scanned their wedding picture from the invitation, edited it, glued it to a silver-ribboned dowel, added some sugar glitter to bling it up and there you have it!

one for each table ... a great conversation piece too

the bride poses with moi

wouldn't be complete without the three of us together! The FAGs!


love the colors and patterns on these vintage pillow cases!!

soooo pretty!


sweet hangers to hang sweet vintage slips or dresses or linens ...

here it is, the precious little pink kit cat klock!!

love the rhinestone bling on her!

meow ... tick tock ... meow

got this lovely crotcheted doily with pink edges for 25 cents!!

believe it or not, something that's not pink! but it's adorable ... vintage table cloth

more of the vintage linens ... gorgeous

embroidered yellow roses on pillowcase

yummy pink roses ... ohmygosh, i love them!

they're difficult to see, but there are two swans (ducks?) embroidered on this one

Sunday, September 20, 2009

celebrating my virgos

hey y'all!

that time of year has arrived again. woohoo for the virgos in my life!

my hubby turned @# years old this weekend and my daughter turned 27 today. happy, happy birthday to both of you!

as i said last year, it's always a bit of a crunch for me, the birthday maker, having two special birthdays back to back.

but being the sup-p-per troup-p-per that i am, everything fell into place and the birthday boy and girl seemed to have a grand ol' time.

after the celebrating, i usually fall into bed for a week of recovery. just kidding, folks. it's only for a couple of days.

this year was more low-key. maybe because i'm older. maybe others are expecting less from me. i don't know. but i certainly don't feel the intense stress that i have in years past.

blah blah blah. enough about the birthdays.

this weekend i barnstormed and uncovered a few very nifty treasures. an awesome vintage suitcase in great shape, complete with a couple of old travel stickers still on it, one of which is from TCA (trans canada airlines, which was founded in 1936 and became known as air canada in 1965). amazing what you can learn on the interwebs. ;-)

the FAGs and i also hit a yard sale out in the cave, i mean cove, that was fantastic, if you were looking for arts and craft supplies. an art teacher was unloading all her crap and oh. my. gawd. she had some good stuff!

mod podge, stamps, old flash cards, paints and the piece de resistance, a samsonite travel bag CHOCK full of vintage (oldest from 1905-1960s) art books and magazines. i briefly perused them after i got home and they are filled with gorgeous vintage pictures!

made out like a bandit too. my total was $3.50!!

i love it when a plan comes together: junking + FAGs + bargains = happy me.

love and hugs,
terry lee


birthday boy smiles with his cake. only used one candle due to fire safety concerns. haha

birthday girl with her cake ... so sweet.


i simply adore this old piece. you can tell it was well used and appreciated. sue, what do i DO with it now?!

spread of awesome vintage art books

love this vintage lady!!

the oldest of the pieces, this magazine is from october 1905. woman's home companion.

great vintage ad from the magazine. uh, rust-proof corset?! what were they made of anyhow?!

cause and effect, my arse. can't believe women wore these!!


Monday, September 14, 2009

just three things

hey y'all!

sooo much to blog about, so little time. and i'm not even "working"! whaaa?! you think i lie around the house all day, eating bon-bons and watching the telly?

not so, gentle readers.

aside from home-schooling my son (!!!), i also have many blogs that i must visit each day (am frickin' addicted to cakewrecks !). Not to mention the sundry other household chores that belong to the everyday housewife. ah, such are the dreams!

but umm, what i wanted to say is that there are several things on my mind right now ... a few of which i can and shall share with you now.

numero uno: I GOT AN IPHONE LAST WEEK!!!!!!. ohmygawd, people. this little gadget is amazing! and honestly, it's a freaking full-time job. so much to learn about this yummy little piece of tech candy!!

can you tell i love it? most of us never could've imagined the internet (a series of tubes), much less this thing, which can do almost everything except make your bed and do the laundry.

but my dear hubby already does all that for me. yes, ladies. it's true (don't hate me because i'm beautiful, hate me because i have a better hubby ... hahaha).

numero dos: once upon a time, long, long ago, in another world, there lived a young princess, her husband and their two very young babes. though they were living in a middle-class neighborhood in a modest three bedroom house, they were having great difficulties due to economic and financial strains.

the princess was attending college to become a nurse and her husband was relying on sales commissions to provide for his family. there were many days when the young princess feared for her children's well-being because there might not be food on the table (or in the bottle) for them.

as it happens, circumstances improved for the princess and her family ... and they moved on to bigger and better things. but for the rest of her life, tragically, the princess would be plagued with horrific nightmares about that house in which they lived.

nearly 25 years passed and many, many changes occurred in the princess' life. but she never forgot that house. one day, the princess' daughter noticed that the house was vacant and had a "for rent" sign in front of it. the daughter longed to visit her first childhood home, having many happy memories of living there.

the princess was gobsmacked. "happy memories? but we were so poor! i worried every day about feeding you! it was an awful time in our lives! how could you have happy memories?!"

the daughter replied, "but i don't remember any of that. i remember having wonderful birthday parties there ... and the teddy bear birthday cake you made for me! playing in the backyard with my brother ... that tiny blueberry muffin doll and all my care bears! and swimming in our little pool while you watched us from the porch. i didn't know about anything else."

the princess knew two things at that moment: her daughter would see her childhood home again. and she was ready to face the demons of her past. maybe this would quieten, if not quell her chronic nightmares.

a quick signature and photo ID secured the house key. her daughter opened the door and walked in first. the princess followed, taking in deep breaths. "it's just a house. it can't hurt you now," she silently reminded herself.

the princess and her daughter walked from room to room, amazed at how much time had passed since they had lived within those walls. so much had changed, yet so much was the same. memories evoked, tears shed, demons exorcised and laughter shared, the princess and her daughter were better for having come to this place.

pictures below.

numero tres: JUNKING this weekend! the friends of the library had their annual rummage sale at the community center on saturday. despite the pouring (or was it drizzling, benjamin?) rain, hubs and i schlepped out to the sale. at the very unprincess-like hour of 8:00am.

now, if you've been following my blog for a while, you might remember that i attended this sale last year. and i must say, it was better last year. however, i did find a few cute little things that i couldn't live without.

we also trekked over to cove's GW bargain barn, against hubby's wishes and better judgment. it was still raining. and i picked up a few things there also. so in spite of the weather, i did manage to slake my thirst for junk with the few pieces that i found.

enjoy the rain, my fellow central texans. we sure needed it! the rest of yous guys, i don't know what your weather is. but i bet i could find out on my iphone! :-)

love and hugs,
terry lee

oh yes, she did. took pics of the new iphone!

pink cover, of course! isn't it wonderful?

lovely pink wallpaper flower too!

i'm rather intrigued with the juxtaposition of technology and my vintage dinner ware!


daughter (tara) in front of the house of her first 6 years

tara in the living room

backyard memories

hallway of house ... love the old phone nook in the wall. this isn't so scary. it's just a house, chock full of memories.

tara standing in her very first bedroom (nursery)


precious linen piece with chicks and eggs embroidery. LOVE it. 25 cents from the library rummage sale.

close up of sweet chicks

found this little wall shelf at the barn. loved the details of the design. will get painted pink or antique white, of course. also got the two little saucers at the library sale. 25 cents each.

this isn't an old shelf ... in fact i think it had a ross sticker on it ... but i really liked the shape and size. will paint it out pink or country white and display some of my vintage plates on it. behind the shelf is a sweet small piece of luggage from the barn. it'll get painted too.

this adorable little hanger (you can't tell in the pic, but it's pretty small)was FREE at the library rummage sale. i've no idea why ... the guy just said i could have it with the rest of my items. probably my "cute little baby face" made him say it.

too cute pink purse with lots of blingy appeal. love it. 75 cents at barn.

this purse really caught my eye. love the denim and floral print, the fringes and fru fru. i'm pretty sure it was handmade. the name "jan" was stitched on the inside (sorry jan, i'm keepin' it!) :-) 75 cents, bargain barn.