hey y'all!
and a big 'ol HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to everyone!
okay, maybe it's a couple of days early, but i just couldn't wait any longer to share my valentine bottle swap goodies!
yes, my dear sweet mother figure mollye over at fruit of the spirit, sponsored a valentine bottle swap and this was my very first time to play! you might call me a valentine bottle swap virgin (VBSV) ... or you might just wanna pass on that. ;) heh heh
ANYhow, my VBS "secret pal" was a sweet lady named barbara boyack at dog mom diva and boy, did she make me feel SPECIAL! what a lovely way to be ... er ... initiated into the world of VBS (am i the only one who keeps thinking vacation bible school when i use those initials?!).
barbara is one sweet gal! since a picture speaks a thousand words (well, so could i!) i'll let them do the talking this time.
thanks a BUNCH, barbara! you made my valentine's quite special! love, love, love the bag (i. am. a. TOTE. fanatic!!!) and the sweet lil magnets ... and the yummy smelling votives ... and wait! i was going to let the pics do my talking. yikes! here ya go:
sweet grouping!
i HEART these cute magnets!

can't WAIT to burn these yummies!!
my hubby LOVES betty boop!! great choice!
adorable lil card!!
YOU, barbara, are AWESOME!!
THIS is going junkin' with me saturday!
THANKS again, sweet barbara!!
and i'd be remiss if i didn't thank mollye for hosting this VBS ... that's VALENTINE BOTTLE SWAP to you southern baptists! :)
MUCH love to y'all,
terry lee
I loved all your sweet pressies. So glad Barb has your name and now you two can be sisters! HVDBS to you too! LOL
Hi Terry Lee Miz M and her bottle swaps are indeed fun. This is the 2nd one I have done. The other was for Mother's day. You got some beautiful things. Miz M is a hoot and a holler. Love her.
That is such a sweet idea!!! I love it!!! VBS is not just flavored snowcones in the breezeway and Bible stories anymore...!!! :-) Great idea...love those little heart candies, too!!! ;-)
Hi Terry Lee! This swap was so much fun! I loved looking at all the lovelies Barb sent you, and I can't even tell you how much fun I had opening all the things you sent me! I put the bracelet on instantly, and it's still on my wrist--so very pretty and feminine. Thank you so much for everything!
PS You have a BEAUTIFUL blog.
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