Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bye Bye, 2010 ... Resolution Time Again?!

happy new year, y'all!

hope everyone had a wonderful, perfect, drama-free (as if) christmas and that santa was v. good to you all. mine turned out to be quite lovely, spending time with loved ones ... family and friends.

having said that, i still feel like that poor lil gingerbread guy up there. he belongs to my daughter tara and i snapped a quick shot of him while visiting her v. sweet apartment recently.

wish i'd gotten him at a different angle, but you can see that he looks a tad, well, overwhelmed. maybe he ate too much? shopped too much? he's got icing dripping off his head and arms. poor thing.

anyhow, i can relate. i think i still have pecan pie goo (thanks jannetta!!) on my chin and pumpkin pie with whipped cream between my fingers. over-eat much?! naaahhhh!!! of course not!

i suppose this is where i talk about new year's resolutions ... eating healthier, establishing an exercise routine, keeping a tidier house (which would mean junking less). blahblahdiddyblahblah.

"new year's day ... now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual." ~~ mark twain

ack!! i simply can't handle any of that yet. i'm such a procrastinator, i usually don't make resolutions until valentine's day. if at all. i used to. when i was younger and healthier and had the energy. which, if you think about it, meant i didn't really need all those resolutions then anyhow. is that an oxymoron, honey (this means you, my dear english major husband o' mine)?

but i digress, as usual. i'll leave you with some memories of christmas-time 2010 ... and my best wishes to all of you for a happy, healthy, peaceful and joyous new year.

love and hugs,

"he who breaks a resolution is a weakling; he who makes one is a fool." ~~ f.m. knowles

sisters, sisters! there were never such devoted sisters ... at the theater, after watching "meet the little fockers". i gave it two-thumbs-up!

my two favorite girls ... sissy belinda and daughter tara, visiting at tara's terrific apartment

my deliriously happy newlywed sister and her just-as-delirious new hubby ... belinda and teddy

around my house on a cozy christmas morning with my two youngest:

my silly matt imitating his new fireman nutcracker ... think jaw dropping up and down. heh heh

"new year's resolution: to tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time."~~ james agate


Mollye said...

Hey honey girl, You're crackin me up as usual. Okay...Your house is beautiful. Love all the decorations. Sis is a hoot I can tell. Son is a nut case (all in fun), Dtr is gorgeous and luvs her momma. Bro in law is not too sure. GB boy is a cutie. The movie...uh I didn't care a whole bunch for the big fockers but I loved the first movie so the jury is out on whether I will see the little ones. But I did go to see Black Swan yesterday with Lori my oldest daughter and her face is still crimson. The flick was PORN at its finest or should I say at its worst. XXXX rating instead of R. Dark, depressing and disgusting ending. OKay now all the guys will flock to see this overrated chick flick. Hey sister, Come see me on my new bloggy Love you and Happy New Year.

Dana said...

I never make New year's resolutions--I beat myself up everyday as it is!
Anyway, you know what this reader would like?? I think it would be divine/awesome if you would do a post about all the vignettes in your house! Please?! I've been trying to come up with something new for my mantel and yours inspired me. So more inspiring ideas via vignette pictures, okay?? I LOVE the pink cubby behind your Christmas tree!!
Glad you and your lovely family had a nice Christmas. Happy New Year!