Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Things: On My Mind and Around My House

hey y'all!

much, much too much on my mind today. and yet i feel the need to bloggity blog. so here i go.

i never really plan what i'm going to write ... it's usually just a stream of consciousness, if and until i get to some sort of point.

but there are a couple of things i want to write about before they fly out of my head and are gone. with. the. wind.

1. my dear friend sue at vintagesue recently held a blog give-away (drawing) ... and **I** won!!!! couldn't believe it! she had lots of entries and since i'm not known for my good luck (gloom, despair and agony on me), i never dreamed i'd be chosen. but i WAS! woohoo!!! what'd i win? don't know! but if it's coming from vintagesue, it'll be lovely vintage yumminess. i'll keep you posted!

2. my dear friend dana of dana's chicken scoop recently asked me to post some pictures of different vignettes around my house. honestly, i'm afraid she might be a tad delusional in thinking that A. i even have "vignettes" in my house ... and B. they're worthy of sharing with others. but since dana is such a sweetie pie with a heart of frickin' gold (oh, and she named one of her blonde chicks after me!) i am obliging her. thus the random photos throughout the post.

my mantel ... the white lights stay up year-round. one of my favorite things to look at

3. oh, and back to my dear friend sue. she also recently tagged me to post a list of "7 things you don't know about me". due to sheer laziness, post-holiday recovery and low hemoglobin, i've yet to make my list. until now! check it out below.

4. the girls and i went junkin' last weekend and hit an estate sale in temple, the goodwill bargain barn and the "garage sale" at the bell county expo. it was a cold, rainy, dreary day. but those two and all the junking brought lots and lots of sunshine and happiness my way. thanks for a great day!

terrific treasure pick, this vintage dresser was $28 and in dire need of a make-over. i spruced her up with a greenish color and topped her off with a killer vintage painting of luscious roses, salvaged from the goodwill barn for $2. gotta love junkin'!

laughter is great medicine. i take it as often as possible in large doses. love this sign as part of my bird vignette

5. i have totally forgotten to announce the winner of my v. own blog give-away contest from before the holidays! i asked for ideas for the acronym of LIFE. my sister (no nepotism was involved in this decision!!) belinda was the winner. her entry was: Literacy Is For Everyone. she's a librarian. huh. congrats, belinda! you won a delicious smelling candle which i've already given you! :)

6. all right. i guess that was more than a "couple" of things, but i hate to waste good blog space on just two things.

love and hugs,

7 things about me (which i'm sure will thrill and excite you!)

1. i was born and have lived in the same central texas town for all of my almost 50 years.

2. i was named after my mother's "terri lee" doll, which was a popular brand of dolls in the 40s and 50s. oddly enough, the correct spelling of the doll didn't translate to my birth certificate.

3. i sang in the school choirs and took piano lessons from age 7 through high school. i really couldn't sing a lick, but because of my piano training, i was a fine musician and sight-reader.

4. i started college with the intent of becoming a teacher. after my first two babies were born, i decided to pursue nursing. i've been an RN for over 25 years.

5. i make the best darn cornbread dressing in the 48 contiguous states. actually, in all 50 states, but i just wanted to use the word contiguous.

6. whew. didn't imagine it'd be this difficult to think of 7 things about me. oh! i'm addicted to blistex ointment. but that's cheating because i've blogged about that before.

7. okay, i'll admit it. i suffer from the dreaded scarlett o'hara syndrome, and the middle child syndrome, which i believe are related. if i have to explain either of those, it'd only make my symptoms worse. so google it for yourself if you're really that curious. ;)

(and thus ends The List. thanks a LOT, sue. haha!)

sentimental old mirror, which hung over my childhood piano. i sat staring into it for hours as i hacked out scales and sonatas that'd make beethoven cringe ... if he could hear me (heh heh)

pretty as a picture. lamp is captured by a vintage frame ... one of my favorite corners.

ask not for whom the bell tolls ...

we all need to daydream more ...

vintage loveliness. i so wish i had the figure for this and the one below ... i'd wear vintage fru-fru poufiness all the time

vintage pink fru-fru to die for.

another favorite corner. can you have too many vintage rose paintings?!

fun and adorable. i'm the proud mama of this baby, which i picked for $5 at a yard sale. painted her pink and filled her head with baubles and beauties

my precious parents adorn the mirror above my piano now, along with vintage sheet music and assorted treasured pieces

sweet vintage gloves and vanity hand mirrors

i've always had a love/hate relationship with these shelves, which are next to my mantle and the back door. no matter what i put on them, it never felt right. a few years ago, i painted them pink. it helped ... but still i wasn't happy. this is the first time in my almost 20 year affair with these shelves that i am finally happy. i love the collections (old tins, old boxes, etc.)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bye Bye, 2010 ... Resolution Time Again?!

happy new year, y'all!

hope everyone had a wonderful, perfect, drama-free (as if) christmas and that santa was v. good to you all. mine turned out to be quite lovely, spending time with loved ones ... family and friends.

having said that, i still feel like that poor lil gingerbread guy up there. he belongs to my daughter tara and i snapped a quick shot of him while visiting her v. sweet apartment recently.

wish i'd gotten him at a different angle, but you can see that he looks a tad, well, overwhelmed. maybe he ate too much? shopped too much? he's got icing dripping off his head and arms. poor thing.

anyhow, i can relate. i think i still have pecan pie goo (thanks jannetta!!) on my chin and pumpkin pie with whipped cream between my fingers. over-eat much?! naaahhhh!!! of course not!

i suppose this is where i talk about new year's resolutions ... eating healthier, establishing an exercise routine, keeping a tidier house (which would mean junking less). blahblahdiddyblahblah.

"new year's day ... now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual." ~~ mark twain

ack!! i simply can't handle any of that yet. i'm such a procrastinator, i usually don't make resolutions until valentine's day. if at all. i used to. when i was younger and healthier and had the energy. which, if you think about it, meant i didn't really need all those resolutions then anyhow. is that an oxymoron, honey (this means you, my dear english major husband o' mine)?

but i digress, as usual. i'll leave you with some memories of christmas-time 2010 ... and my best wishes to all of you for a happy, healthy, peaceful and joyous new year.

love and hugs,

"he who breaks a resolution is a weakling; he who makes one is a fool." ~~ f.m. knowles

sisters, sisters! there were never such devoted sisters ... at the theater, after watching "meet the little fockers". i gave it two-thumbs-up!

my two favorite girls ... sissy belinda and daughter tara, visiting at tara's terrific apartment

my deliriously happy newlywed sister and her just-as-delirious new hubby ... belinda and teddy

around my house on a cozy christmas morning with my two youngest:

my silly matt imitating his new fireman nutcracker ... think jaw dropping up and down. heh heh

"new year's resolution: to tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time."~~ james agate